A phrasal verb is a verb with one or two prepositions or adverbs or one preposition and one adverb. When put together they often have a meaning completely different from the verb.

English Phrasal Verb – Add up

Phrasal Verb add up  Definition to make sense  Examples His explanation doesn’t add up. He can’t have been there alone. It all adds up now. He was having an affair. This new law doesn’t add up. It won’t help anyone. Verb and preposition separated? Can’t be separated Normal or Informal Normal American / British/ International International Regular / Irregular Add is a regular verb.

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English Phrasal Verb – Act up

 Phrasal Verb act up  Definition to behave badly  Examples The teacher was really frustrated as the children had been acting up all morning. The computer’s acting up. I can’t get it to work properly. If you don’t stop acting up I’ll send you to bed. Verb and preposition separated? Can’t be separated Normal or Informal Normal American / British/ International International Regular / Irregular Act is […]

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English Phrasal Verb – Account for

Phrasal Verb account for  Definition to explain  Examples He couldn’t account for the diamonds in his suitcase. Can you account for your absence yesterday? He couldn’t account for his whereabouts yesterday afternoon. Verb and preposition separated? Can’t be separated Normal or Informal Normal American / British/ International International Regular / Irregular Account is a regular verb.

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